In light of the current crisis, you never know what’s going to keep you at home. Typically, it’s the hot Texas summer. Even when social distancing is no longer required, you may find yourself needing to work out at home. It could be inclement weather or it’s extremely hot or cold outside.
The summer heat adds stress to a person’s body. Outdoor exercises may find it difficult to stay hydrated and cool without overheating. So, it’s wise to workout inside on the hottest days of a Dripping Springs summer.
Switching to an at-home workout lowers the chances of heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion. You may be surprised at what you can do at home to maintain your active lifestyle without buying extra equipment. Here are your ideas for times you need to work out at home.
Connect with Dripping Springs Fitness Studios
To motivate their clients to keep exercising after closing the studio, some Dripping Springs fitness studios have posted free workouts on their websites or social media. CrossFit Dripping Springs posts workouts on their Facebook page. Dripping Spring’s Strong Like Her, SharpFitness Personal Training, Hill Country MVMT offer online programming. Contact them to schedule a virtual introduction.
Find Alternatives
No dumbbells? No problem! You most likely have items in your house that can work as dumbbells. For instance, a four-gallon laundry detergent container is about 33 lbs. Got books? Look for the big ones like dictionaries. Insert them in a backpack, carry it, and do your exercises with the added weight.
Next time you empty a large container or water bottles, keep them. Rinse it out and fill it with water or dirt from your yard. You can also elevate your heart rate quickly with a jump rope. Don’t have one? You can do the movements without the jump rope and it’ll boost your heart rate.
HIIT It with Bodyweight Exercises
Everyone has the best equipment for exercising. The body! Combine bodyweight exercises with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for an effective workout. All you need are comfortable clothes, shoes, and a timer.
HIIT is a training method in which you do high intensity for a short time, then follow it with brief rest or low-intensity movement. Studies show HIIT can burn more calories and body fat in the 24 hours following the workout compared to those who exercise at a steady pace. Search your mobile device’s app store for HIIT apps and timers. The timers will let you know when to switch between high intensity and low intensity.
HIIT apps and the internet contain many videos of bodyweight circuits. You probably know about Burpees as people love them or hate them. They’re often used because it works your whole body. Another popular one is jump squats. Squat down while keeping your knees in line with your toes and jump up. Repeat. It strengthens the quads and propels the heartrate.
Make a Workout out of Doing Chores
The next time you come home from grocery shopping, here’s how you can get a workout. Instead of trying to grab as many grocery bags as you can, bring them in one or two at a time. While holding the bags, do lunges as you carry them from the car to the kitchen.
Got a gallon of juice, milk, or water? These weigh about 8.5 lbs. When you empty the juice or milk container, fill it with water. Use it to do bicep curls. Do you live in a two-story house? Take things up or down. One at a time. Next time you sweep the floors, do it for 20 minutes to burn roughly 80 calories.
DIY Circuit
A circuit workout combines cardio and resistance training. Do one exercise for a set number of times, then the do the next one. Repeat until you’ve done all of them. A circuit can comprise of five to 15 exercises. You can skip the guesswork and find circuit videos and training plans online or download apps.
Don’t let the crisis or Mother Nature stop you from getting a great workout. Start looking for videos online. Save them. And then you’ll be ready the next time you work out.
Stay safe and connect with our Caliterra team on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can safely look for a new place by virtually browsing new Dripping Springs homes.